Embracing Talent Virtual Work Experience Opportunity




Embracing Talent Virtual Work Experience Opportunity

Age: students aged 15+

Date: 11 August 2021

Embracing Talent is an Employability course targeting Key Stage 4/5 (year 12/14 pupils). Delivered over three hours, it provides participants with an opportunity to develop a range of skills needed for the workplace or preparing for HE/FE. This research informed course has been designed in partnership with Ulster University, Career Ready and Business in the Community, alongside Industry Partners. The course primarily takes its steer from findings in the Northern Ireland Skills Barometer 2019.  This virtual session is being delivered in partnership with Speakers for Schools.

Embracing Talent is filled with interactive online lectures and presentations as well as challenging online tasks, all designed to foster skills development in pupils. Each lesson also contains an Industry Insight segment featuring a prominent local business person providing their advice for young people.

The key to Embracing Talent is simple; not only do we outline WHICH skills employers are seeking, we tell you HOW you can develop these skills.

During the course you will engage in four lessons.

  • Lesson 0: Pre-programme Evaluation,
  • Lesson 1: Understanding Who I Am,
  • Lesson 2: Time Management & Organisation,
  • Lesson 3: Communication & Teamwork.

Upon completion you will be awarded an Ulster University Certificate of Completion. You will then have the opportunity to extend your skillset by completing Part 2 of this course (using our online Schools Outreach Academy) with a further 3 interactive lessons covering: Leadership, Commercial Awareness & Problem Solving and Self Confidence & Adaptability.

Full details of this Work Experience and how to register are here.

To participate in this virtual work experience, students are required to have set up an account with Speakers for Schools – they can create the account here if they have not already done so: Experience Sign Up (s4snextgen.org)

Further information on Speakers for Schools and their virtual work experience offering can be found on their website Virtual Work Experience | VWEX | Speakers for Schools

Find out more about the Embracing Talent course at Ulster University Schools Outreach Academy Embracing Talent – ED Link (ulster.ac.uk)