Belfast Trust Speech and Language Careers Event

The Belfast Health and Social Care Trust is delighted to be able to offer students this virtual insight to careers in Speech and Language Therapy.

Date: 30 April 2024

Times: 10.00am – 12.30pm 

Platform: Microsoft Teams

Limitations: Year 13 & 14

The Trust are running this as a ‘meeting’ rather than a live event and therefore despite it being ‘online’ numbers of attendees will be capped per school to ensure maximum participation from schools.  As previously, if schools have big numbers of interested students they may be asked to ‘stream’ this in a classroom/hall/library etc.

So in the first instance please register your interest as a school in participating and advise on your numbers. We will need to know how you plan to run this so we can manage ‘spaces’ for this in the meeting.

Register your interest:  No requests will be taken by individual students or parents – the register of interest must come from the school.

To download the flyer above, please click here.

Please get in contact with if you are a mature student or no longer at school to discuss how you can get involved in this event.